·a glass of chocolate milk with cereal
·a cured ham (jamón serrano) sandwich.
·a bowl of soup
·a steak with tomato sauce
·a cheese sandwich
·a yoghurt
·a glass of chocolate milk with cereal
·pasta a la carbonara
·chocolate cookies
·Potato tortilla
·a glass of chocolate milk in cereal
·paella (tipical rice dish)
·ham sandwich
catalonian group
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Friday, 3 February 2012
Theme 5 - Environment
In this video we showed that in our region there are people whoknow a lot about recycling (young) people who know what it is butdo not know much, and moreover, the old, who know nothing of recycling.
The schools are teaching children to be respectful of the environment, and be aware that in this world are a simple peopleand we have to leave just as we have found it.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Gender Roles
When our grandparents were young, the man had a job and the woman stayed at home to do the household tasks. One the one hand the sons of the family helped the father at job but they didn't have to help at home. On the other hand the daughter helped her mom at home. In conclusion, if you were a man you had more priviledges.
When our parents were young, the situation got balanced. The sons of a family started to help at home and some women started to work outside home. At home the tasks were more distributed, but the woman still did most of the things.
At our times, boys and girls do the same tasks at home. And their parents too. There are still some jobs considered male jobs such as bricklayers, plumbers., mechanics, etc. Fortunatelly things are changing.
Gender Roles by Vagabmanel
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Unit 3: Technologies
Now, in our free time we use new technologies like ipods, mp3, mobile phones video-console games. We use the internet to access social networks like facebook, tuenti, etc. also we use internet to watch videos, films, videoclips, and download music and others but now a law has been approved and in the near future we won’t be able to do it. Sometimes we also use a player to listen to music.
When we were kids, we used to watch TV in our free time. Our favourite series were Dragon ball, Pokemon, Doraemon and the Simpson... . Sometimes we met friends in the street and we played traditional games. But now with the new technologies we speak a lot with friends on MSN or chat on facebook and play computers games.
During school time we usually use computers because now all the homework looks better if it’s typed with the computer and internet is a really good working tool because we don't need dictionaries or encyclopaedias. We just type anything on the Google bar and that’s all.
When our parents were young they didn’t have the technology which we have today. On TV there were only two channels where you could only watch the news (strictly controlled by the government). Definitely they didn’t have any videogames or computers, and they spent their time playing in the street.
If they wanted to listen to a cassette, they had to go to a music shop and buy it. The first videogame in Spain appeared in 1983 and it was in 2D and in black and white.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Monday, 25 October 2010
Our School
P. E. we go running along the greenway (it is a way where the train used to circulate. But now it has become a car-free way to go with your bike or running)
In our school there are people from: Roquetes, Reguers, Paüls, Xerta, Aldover, Benifallet, Jesús and Alfara de carles (small villages near Roquetes).
·What are the good points and the bad points of their school?
-It has the latest technology.
-It has a lot of teachers.
-It has a lot of equipment like computers, tables, blackboards, overhead projectors, encyclopaedias…
-It has more than 600 students and we don’t stay in the same building.
-It is next to a road and it is in a noisy place.
-The classrooms’ acoustics is not very good.
-Some students live in other towns and they commute to school every day.
·What, if anything, would they change about their school?
We’d like to change the geographic situation because it is next to a road.
We’d like to change the classrooms because they are too small.
We’d like to have only one big building, because now we have two buildings,one for ESO students ( 12-14 year old) and for Batxillerat.(16-18 year old)
Do their parents think that school now is better or worse?
My parents think that now it's better because when they were studying the teachers could hit the students and they had to be really quiet in class and they think that this was really bad.
·Was their Parents time at school useful for them?
People didn’t have as much money as they have today, and they had to work to help their family. Most of the people studied a little but they didn’t need this to do the jobs they have today.
Other people use their studies to work today.
The reason is because we live in a rural area and most of the jobs are farmers. They don’t need any formation.
Have their studies helped them in their life?
Yes, it is always necessary to know about somethin
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